Breathe with the planets

7 day experience

get lifetime access for just £27

learn how to harness the daily energy of the planets through the power of your breath FOR MORE EASE, FLOW, & ABUNDANCE

Did you know that each day of the week is associated with a specific planetary energy, frequency & archetype?

And that you can use the power of the breath to activate this energy, frequency, or archetype within you, meaning, even when you are having the worst day, & you just want to curl up in bed, you get to access & harness the natural energy that is present each day of the week, in just 10 minutes, leading to more ease, flow, & abundance in your life.


Monday is governed by the Moon, bringing with it themes of divine feminine energy, emotions, intuition, the subconscious mind, nurturing, nourishment, the mother, the womb, breasts, home, sanctuary, and safety. It's the perfect day to go inwards, connect to yourself, listen to your body & what it needs, nourish yourself, connect to your intuition, set intentions for the week from a place of how you want to feel, not what you want to achieve. 


Tuesday is governed by Mars, the Planet of the Warrior. It brings with it themes of the divine masculine, action, initiative, assertiveness, boundaries, courage, boldness, risk. This is the day to really take action, be bold, & do the thing that scares you. Fortune favours the brave.


Wednesday is governed by Mercury, the planet of communication, bringing with it themes of learning, perception, the messenger archetype, the Merchant archetype ,and the wordsmith. It's a great day to get chatty - give the presentation, go live on instagram, run a free masterclass, book in a catch up with your besties, make new connections, record a podcast, share your voice, ask for the raise.


Thursday is governed by Jupiter, the planet of abundance, luck, & opportunity. It's big expansion energy. It also rules teaching, learning, writing, philosophy, and publishing. It's a great day to dream big & just go for it. It's also a great day to study & learn. Jupiter has a fun energy, so getting into your joy will help call in more luck, abundance, and opportunity.


Friday is governed by Venus, the planet of love, beauty, art, and money. It's a day to connect to your values, desires, pleasure, & sensuality. To invest in yourself, in beautiful things you love, to attract & receive. A day to treat yourself. Be in the luxury vibes.


Saturday is governed by Saturn, the planet of structure, responsibilities, discipline, vision, achievement, obstacles to overcome, and karma. Saturn brings seriousness and focus. It helps us build long-term. It's a great day to get things done you've been putting off, or bring structure to the mess.


Sunday is governed by the Sun, bringing themes of joy, fun, play, creativity, self-expression, hobbies, recreation, and doing what lights us up. It's also about our own radiance, our life force, shining your light. It's a great day to spend time doing what you love, have fun, try new things, & shine your light bright.

wHAT CAN i EXPECT from this experience?

Each day, you will receive an audio transmission with my personal musings on the energy of the day, & how you can harness it, directions for how to do that days breathwork, plus the breathwork journey itself.

Each breathwork journey will last a maximum of 20 minutes allowing you to quickly & easily experience a state & energetic change to set you up for the day.

Across the 7 days you'll experience 10 different breathwork styles, sequenced in different ways across the week.


  • Monday, Moon day, you'll be connecting to your intuition
  • Tuesday, Mars day, you'll be hyping yourself up to take bold confident action
  • Wednesday you'll be opening your throat chakra to communicate on Mercury Day
  • Thursday we'll be harnessing Jupiter's expansive energy to dream into what expansion looks like for you across health, wealth, career, love, personal growth & more
  • Friday, Venus Day, you'll be calling in the money
  • Saturday, we'll take advantage of Saturn's energy to connect to our long-term vision - the one that is worth being disciplined & dedicated to achieve
  • Sunday, we'll be connecting to the Sun's energy to shine your light
  • PLUS you'll experience a bonus 60 minute conscious connected breath journey where we'll clear any blocks that have come up for you during the week, so you can step into your desired future reality without resistance.

You have lifetime access to all recordings so you can continue to use these journeys every day for the rest of your life if you desire, or just tap back into them when you want to reconnect to yourself & your desires.


Breathwork is a simple & accessible tool that can help change your life through helping you master your mind & body.

We can use breathwork to change our day to day mood, improve athletic performance, & even change subconscious patterns & behaviours.

We breathe 20,000+ times every day. Through breathwork, we can start to optimise how we breathe, & access more of our lung capacity, leading to improved wellbeing & physical performance.

We can use breathwork exercises to get our bodies and minds ready to perform and recover more effectively. With the power of the breath, we can create energy, focus, calm, balance, connect to our intuition, increase creativity, build confidence, and so much more.

We can also use breathwork to heal from trauma, & bring a sense of balance & safety back to the nervous system, to help change our physical, mental, & emotional state. 

As I always say… whatever your need, breathwork is the answer.

See for yourself how just 10-20 minutes a day of intentional breathwork can transform your reality.